During this week the focus was on establishing guidelines and the beginning process for recruiting teens for our running program. I had to read through a book about fitness and then use the information to come up with a fitness plan for the students that will be in our running program.

The biggest thing I had to prepare for was the YMCA was holding an open house for all prospective clients and it was on the same day as YBA Homecoming. YBA is the biggest youth program that they Y offers and it stands for youth basketball association. Kids from 5-18 participate in it and they and their families fill the gym every Saturday from 9 am- 5pm.  The program consists of over 300 kids and I have to help keep order. During this time on the 16th I also had to help prepare my mentor for our  Sports ad fitness staff meeting. She put me in charge of the meeting for a few minutes in practice for when I have to lead my own staff meeting in the upcoming weeks.

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